while y'all get ready to party it up tonight or go on an island adventure or just put your feet up and relax and do nothing seriously except procrastinate, i am getting ready to go back to work tomorrow. it feels like sunday. with all the laundry and dish-washing and meal-prepping and Night Before jitters.
the most exciting part of the day was probably when i went out to return some borrowed items to the library. on the way, i stopped in at the hardware store. The really big split-level one on the side of the highway (apparently there are three hardware stores in town.). I never went in there before because i was never sure where the entrance was. Today i went in.
I like hardware stores. they have all kinds of fun things. I bought nails. Now i have a pocket full of nails. could the day get any better?
yes. today is He Is A Scientist From The Past Day!
fun fun!
it reminds me of all the crazy notions of time in The Time Traveler's Wife. Good book.
i think i'll go watch the clouds now. clouds do crazy things sometimes. wouldnt want to miss it.
I've never seen clouds do anything crazy. But maybe my definition of crazy is different than your definition of crazy. Mostly I just see the clouds drifting by and maybe changing shape or rain a little bit and all that jazz, not very crazy in my book. The craziest thing I've ever heard of clouds doing is when they decided they should settle that ancient score they had with the trees, because way back in the day the clouds used to live on the ground but the trees kicked them out, so they descended down on the trees with a horrible vengeance destroying thousands of trees in a suprise attack, but soon the trees regrouped and mounted a counter attack that had the potential to destroy all the clouds, then Cirus McCloud, a rough and tumble little culmulus with a hard nosed attitude and a heart of gold who worked in a coal mine until the trees forced him out, laid everything on the line to save cloud kind in a gutsy move that could have cost him more than his life and involved an ancient prophecy that says a cloud will unite the trees and the clouds and bring peace unto the land, so that's what he did, but since the trees couldn't come up the clouds had to go down and live on the ground for a while, and that is why we can have fog now.
oh, the legend of the fog. you tell it well, gareth.
three hardward stores in town but no places that will sell you chai tea at 3am? you live in a crazy place. i think i like it.
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