Tuesday, January 31, 2006

tired & smell like poo

yes its true!
i am tired and i smell like poo.

its 734am and i want to go to bed.
i want to elevate my swollen ankles on a pillow.
i want to elevate my fuzzy head on a pillow and dream sweet unrelated-to-nursing dreams.
i want the garbage truck to stop going BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEP grrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrr BEEP BEEP BEEP all down the sidealley and the front street and the sidestreet and the backstreet.

i want the power to have not gone out while i was at work so i could be sitting here in stinky, fatigued, misery waiting out the garbage truck by watching a taped show instead of having to worry about re-setting my alarm and not sticking my head out the window to yell SHUT UP I AM TRYING TO SLEEP.

there is so much going on and the sun has yet to rise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happens when you have nursing dreams. Do you go back to sleep and try again?