Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Warning! Impending Meltdown


i am...angry.
if i wasn't so (insert inappropriate language here) tired, i would be very angry indeed.
i am angry about my job.
i am angry about my curling match (not about losing, i am very accustomed to losing).

today was the first day of my set (set = the shifts you work in a row/block until your next stretch of days off. My set is 2 days, 2 nights, 5 off). First days back suck.

Things that should have tipped me off that today was going to be a Terrible Horrible No-good Very Bad Day:
  • being excited when i finally feel i'm about to sleep and then realizing that its 430am and my alarm goes off at 530am
  • not realizing that there is a snowstorm outside until i'm already out the door, which of course makes me late for work because snow is a slow mofo.
  • there are no Tums in the entire hospital. There are not even any hidden on the stock shelves of pharmacy.
  • realizing that i am the only nurse in the entire floor that isnt in room #such-and-such helping a patient in distress (this means it is me, my inexperience, and 12 patients, including one with a possible heart attack, one going through alcohol withdrawal, and one in palliation with poor pain control)
  • the power going out. more than once. IN THE HOSPITAL!
  • being cross with my mentor (and unable to rationally approach the subject without forfeiting lunchbreak)
  • being made to feel guilty for needing to eat something, at some point during the day so i dont get faint (not to mention extremely irritable and unable to concentrate. There are lives at stake here! Shouldnt i be supported in keeping in competent health? Really!)
  • not having morning coffee.
  • not having afternoon coffee.
  • not having dinner break.
  • having to move the same patient to three different rooms because their roomate has even less patience for their insanity than i do.
  • having a 300+ lb man who hasnt taken off his boots (let alone cleaned any part of his body or house) in over 6 months admitted as my patient near the end of my shift as i frantically work through my dinner break to chart the past 11 hrs in the lives of 6 people so i can run across the town to play a game of curling that will send me home being very unhappy with myself.
  • coming home and discovering that my house smells inexplicably of garbage.
  • being too tired to rid house of stench

When i find the silver lining of today, i will let you know.

ps - thank you LV for letting me rant to you so that this blog wouldnt be an evil exploding rant and so that i could diffuse my anger enough to go to sleep. Go MUN! (or whatever it is you were working on when i called)

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