Sunday, January 29, 2006

bubble bursting

there are two kinds of bubble bursting in life (according to me at least).
there's the kind where you realize that something isnt as you expected/believed/hoped/dreamed and is in fact rather crappy. kind of like today at work when i thought things were going relatively well and we were all getting along and helping each other (so we wouldnt strangle the incessant Bell Ringers that we were forced to endure as patients) and there were jokes and kind words. and i sit down, innocently, minding my own business, at the nurses station and start catching up on some charting and working on an admission to the ICU bed and there are 3 other nurses sitting at the station too and they are talking in somewhat hushed tones. and the doctor on call comes along and starts doing his charting. and then a fourth nurses comes along and picks a FIGHT with one of the other nurses and suddenly there's yelling and swearing and name-calling and more swearing and red faces and crying and storming off in huffs and it was like a really bad girl fight that you'd expect from a pair of junior high girls who are crushing on the same guy or some other trivial thing that is blown out of proportion and its irrational and you really wish you could have stayed a few minutes longer in a patient's room, even the room of the Incessant Bell Ringer, just so you wouldnt be left at the table in the middle of a fight trying to disappear into a stack of paper work.
yea, that's the one kind of bubble bursting.

then there's the other kind of bubble bursting. you know, the good kind. the kind that makes you giggle and fall over because you are laughing so hard you lose muscle control (not that that ever happens to me...) the kind when you are being silly and carefree. the jumping around like a nut trying to burst soap bubbles kind. the popping a gum bubble on your face and having to pull it off your glasses kind. the mail-order protective cushioning popping kind. the kind you would experience it if was BUBBLE WRAP APPRECIATION DAY.

like tomorrow.
that's right, monday january 30th is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.
just thought you should know.
and maybe you'd like to play some online bubble wrap (popping!) games and find out your bubble wrap personality here
also, if anyone has some free time, i am interested in a bubblewrap dress....

1 comment:

taryn said...

so, when pete sent me the package that he sent me it came with some nice red bubble wrap for protection, yknow? and then today i was reading this and i was all like, sure would feel nice to pop some bubbles. so i did. in a crazy manic kind of way that i'm sure pissed off my housemates and it was quite possibly the very highlight of my day.

but i think you are right about the two kinds of bubble bursting. we need more of the second kind.