Its nearly 1am. I've been up since 530am. The randomness, the giddiness is setting in.
I decided to do a little experiment. I LOVE experiments.
I wondered what would happen if i replied, via email, to the automatically-generated email notices informing me of new comments posted on my blog. Where would it go?
I replied to a comment.
And the message was SENT.
La de dah de dah.
Where did it go?
Not here on my blog.
Not in my email account.
To the Dead Letter Office?
Maybe i should write a song about it.
I wonder what would come to pass first: the reappearance of my reply or the composition of a song speculating on the location of my reply?
Hey! Yo! Whoa there, buddy!
the answer is: PERMANENT FAILURE
(it disappears for awhile and comes back stamped permanent failure. Unable to deliver. Ever. what a bummer)
Inspite of the disappointing outcome, i do not consider this experiment a failure because it has provided us with knowledge. And i've done you all a favour. You no longer have to worry about where the replies go. Find something else to worry about. Worries needing investigation can be submitted to RE (Random Experiments).
How many licks does it take to finish a standard size lolly pop?
I don't like that one. Hopefully I can come back with a better one.
DOMUFN! Makes me think of dough-muffin. Sounds like a tasty treat. Or maybe not. I don't think plain dough is tasty.
You know, i have actually tried to count the number of licks it takes to get to the center/centre of a tootsie roll pop. I was in a very boring first-year chem lecture and i couldnt hear the prof anyways so i tried to devise new ways to pass the class. I got bored and bit the sucker! (the lolly, not the prof!) Eventually i determined it was better to skip the class than continue with the experiment. However, if i come across a standard-size lollupop, i shall give it a go.
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