Tuesday, January 24, 2006

a li'l procrastination

i am plum tuckered out (i went to the library AND ice skating AND curling today). and i am procrastinating.

you wonder: what does an employed out-of-school person have to procrastinate about?

well friends, i am delaying cleaning the bathroom (so boring) and studying for a course i am taking on thursday. yep, school on my day off. I have read 2-sevenths of the manual and its dull. But at least the diagrams make the pages go by faster.

anyways, i'm borrowing this nice quiz from anastasia (thanks!). if you need a little procrastination tonight, i suggest doing likewise.

To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla

It seems i am:


I did feel old today. Good to know that i am old, old as the mountains. And resilient. Like a weed or bacteria.


Anonymous said...

I am a Numenorean.
Graceful. Dignified. Tragic.
"Tall ships and tall kings,
Seven stars and seven stones,
And one white tree"

SMASH said...

neato, this quiz thing is cool.
I'm a Numenorean too.

taryn said...

i'm also entish.

Anonymous said...

I too am entish

Anonymous said...

I'm a pretty Elf! Ethereal, Lyrical, Perceptive.


JV said...

yes, yes you are, anastasia.

(confession: 2 out of 3 times i was an Ent. But the third time, i was an Elf. I had a hard time picking where i wanted to live)

RJ said...

I'm of the Rohirrim.
Fierce. Corageous. Loyal.
"Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?"

Anonymous said...

I had a hard time picking where I wanted to live, too, JV. But "vistas and waterfalls" won out. I figure there are probably trees nearby too. : )

One of the things I always loved in Tolkien was how everyone in Middle Earth (except the Men and Hobbits, of course) is at some point or other referred to as the "eldest." The Elves are "eldest of all," but the Ents are "old as mountains." So, uhh, did the Elves pre-date the mountains, JRR? And what about Tom Bombadil, the wizards, and all the evil things like Shelob -- they're all supposed to be older than anything too!