Sunday, January 08, 2006

by candlelight

it's 3 o'clock in the morning and i am not in bed.
i should be in bed.
fast asleep.
preparing to WAKE UP and START MY DAY
slowly tapering my sleep back to dayshift schedule

but no, i am awake
i would feel my being active at such an advanced hour justified if there was a good reason - bathroom flood to mop up, popcorn explosion to gobble up, friend in a different time zone to talk up
there is not.
i have spent the past 2 and a half hours putting blue paint on a piece of paper.


taryn said...

blue paint.
white paper?

sign it. sell it. be famous. move to victoria.

RJ said...

What a glorious idea!

JV said...

i can sign it.
to whom can i sell it?

anyone know anyone with a ridiculous amount of spare money to throw around? I've added a hint of purple and orange to make the blue worth their money.