Last night i had a dream about chocolate. Valentine's chocolate. Complete with the heart-shaped box. Valentine's Day + me = no good, but i do have a weakness for boxes of chocolate that come with the map, the legend, the Who's Who of chocolate. I'm not sure why i am dreaming of Valentine's Day already. What was memorable & strange about the dream was the chocolate itself. Inside the box, there were several heart-shaped pieces that were TOMATO flavoured. I thought the cherry-filled ones were bad. Tomato-filled is much worse!

While looking for an image to add to this posting, i came across this: an anatomically correct 1lb chocolate heart! Apparently its "the ultimate gift for mortuary students, pathologists, embalmers, or your sweetheart".
on new years we had chocolates with pop rocks in them. you shoulda been there, jv.
whoa, where did those come from? that is crazy-cool.
if i had a time-turner and a Nimbus 2000, i would've been there.
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