Saturday, March 10, 2007

auntie babysits.... and gets arrested?!?!?

so here it is, the wee hours of saturday morning.

how did i spend my friday night in small town?
yes, auntie JV spent friday night babysitting. it was pretty good.


its just past 1am and i'm driving home. the streets are bare. this car comes out of nowhere and is following annoyingly close. we enter the township and i slow to the required limit. the car behind me flashes its lights. it is a police car.
i haven't been speeding.
i'm convinced of this.
i didn't run a stop sign.
and yet here i am pulled over by the police.

where are you coming from? asks the young french officer (who i remember because she interrogated me one night at the hospital about the confidentiality of medical records. i guess she didn't recognize me).

uh... babysitting?

do you have a driver's license?

uh... yes. (i know i look young and the fact that i just said i was babysitting is not helping my case, i'm sure. i suddenly start wondering if the town has a curfew i don't know about)

the officer looks at the licence suspiciously. i wonder if i should offer her my registration or if that would be cheeky...

is this your car?


So here i am, a young-looking female, returning from "babysitting", at 1 o'clock in the morning. Looks suspicious in a small town. I guess do-gooders aren't driving at that time of day. Unless its a doctor but i'm sure they all recognize their vehicles. Even i know what most of them look like and i haven't been here that long.

In the end there wasn't a problem. She had run my plates and they came up without a driver's licence attached to it. I guess she thought i stole it.

I should be relieved i didn't get a ticket.
Reminds me of last summer when i got pulled over by the cops specifically for not breaking any laws. Being a goody-goody can be hard work!


Anonymous said...

Where oh where is JV!?!? I hope she does not have the plague again...

Anonymous said...

jv, there is something weird with the margins on your blog now. the words are so close to the left hand side that i can hardly read them...good thing you're not posting anyway!

JV said...

that's interesting because i havent changed my blog specifics in months. is your browser open to max?

Anonymous said...

It does the same thing on my computer too! But it wasn't always like that, it just changed one day... veeeeery mysteeeeerious

JV said...

how about now? is it any better?

(and posts shall be forthcoming. patience, my beauties.)