i rather enjoy the song "your ex-lover is dead" by STARS.
but today, i have been given a moment to reconsider. i was removing a patient's skin while waiting for STARS to arrive and take him to a burn unit. and the word was that he had set himself on fire.
where there's nothing left to burn, please dont set yourself on fire.
(and i still really like the song!)
wow, yeah, i can see how that would put a damper on your enjoyment of the song. maybe we should go to disneyland to cheer you up.
That would be a less than desirable memory cue for the song. Disneyland????
yes, we definitely should go to disneyland.
Hey, I'm in! The world needs more fairy tale bull!
what's with the post death?
i know...everyone's spending too much time on FACEBOOK!!
dear anonymous,
i would just like to inform you that i do not belong to the FACEBOOK collective.
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