Saturday, March 25, 2006

gee thanks

this is how i started off my shift:
as i was heading to work, a boy on the street yelled across to me that i was ugly.

naturally i showed up feeling fabulous about myself. especially remembering the whole stupid junior nurse thing.

and there was a locum on last night (a doctor from out of town who was working here. one night only) and she was super nice and friendly and i just felt like a big dork. Especially because she would ask me all these questions about my patients that i couldnt answer because they were new to me that night and there wasnt any history on them and the report from the previous shift was shoddy and i cant read into the rationale behind the messed up orders of other doctors.

but my patient who was essentially comatose last i saw her, said HELLO BEAUTIFUL, HELLO GORGEOUS, HELLO SEXY every time i entered her room.

1 comment:

Me said...

Hellllllllloooooooooo Nurse!


P.S. I hope you slapped that kid upside the head.