Wednesday, March 29, 2006

the price of whine

work was good.
then hectic.
then painfully slow.
then insane.

last week i was whining about how long i had to work there before they'd give me a mailbox/cubbyhole like everyone else. i got one 2 hours later.

today i was whining about how i dont get any mail in my mail box but a piece of paper i put in there so my box wouldnt be empty. i came back from lunch to find not one, not two, but THREE letters for me in my mailbox. it was like warm fuzzies. it was like Camp love notes. There were stickers! And Official Mailbox Secret Initiation notes from the LPN students.

and we had a cookie taste-test.
and i made us all tea.

and then everyone suddenly turned really sick. but you cant have it all go swimmingly along all the time, now can you?!

Dr. T tried to convince me to do a procedure for him. No way, josé. He tried to make me do one for him during my second week at the hospital. And then he kept whining. Finally i said to him "why are you so whiny today? suck it up. act like a man. and do your job."
the ER nurse said he was looking for sympathy.
i told the doctor "you arent going to find it here. i'm the mean one. i'll give you 2 minutes to read the procedure, get organized, then i'm coming back and we're doing it." Sometimes you just have to be firm with them. Like with children.
He looks like shit. I told him he looked awful. He does. He took all 3 ER shifts today and tonight. I think he's avoiding his family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and i made us all tea.

and then everyone suddenly turned really sick

Those two lines don't look too good one after the other, JV dear. : )