Friday, February 17, 2006

another post about my work

last night i was working on the floor with another new grad.
the chaos that ensued was her fault.
because she had brought a movie for us to watch on her laptop.
that killed all hope of a quiet evening.
but i shouldnt blame her because she was the one who had the patient having a heart attack who needed a nitro drip (which no one was sure how to run) and we had to call in a nurse to "special" him (provide one-to-one care) until the ambulance could pick him up to take him to the airport in the nearest major city and fly him the hell out of this province.

i thought i was finally going to meet one of the infamous Daves of the Air Ambulance. but no. the air ambulance doesnt land in our town at night. drats. but the air ambulance does have really great hold music.

moving the crash cart outside someone's room "just in case" really changes the atmosphere for the worse.

the older nurse working in ER made me call the doctor for something who then essentially told me never to call him again. but in a nice way. gee thanks. how was i supposed to know that he would pretty much always back up my actions with an order when he comes on in the morning?

once we shipped out the patient, things settled down to a reasonable level and when the nurse returned from the airport, the four of us huddled around the laptop and watched Just Like Heaven which i had heard was bad but it seemed pretty great at 4am in the middle of a darkened hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, not all nurses who die are going to end up with Mark Ruffalo. So don't get any crazy ideas! Not that you expressed any... I'm just sayin', is all.