it seems that i may have agreed to a new challenge. Nanowrimo, round 2. A certain best friend has decided to re-attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. And the shortest month at that. apparently i too am attempting it, to support my friend as all friends should do. Though, i have consulted a lawyer who agrees that my contract is not binding.
now, last time i was able to complete the challenge; however, i had no obligations whatsoever at the time. I could sit all day in the library or a coffeeshop and type and sit up until the wee hours of the morning should i feel the need. And even then, it was a rather overwhelming thing to do. This time round, i have a crazy job and a house to keep and i'm 2 months behind on a few christmas projects. I have serious doubts about my fitness for the task at hand. And so, since i highly doubt i'll be able to win a second time, i've decided i might as well raise the impossibility meter even more and write the damn thing in french.
last time it was "no plot? no problem".
since i've already done the no plot thing, Anastasia thinks i should do an entire novel without any characters. ugh. that sounds like an awful task. what would it be then? a manual of sorts? is it theoretically possible to write a work of fiction without any characters? without even the voice of the narrator implying one?
"no characters? no conflict!"
I don't see how you could not have characters of any sort. But then again...
gareth is kind of in a critical commenting mood.
i figure, yeah, it could be done. but why would you want to do it? it will just make a tough task even tougher. you can have characters with no conflict.
but french, wtf. you are extreme. i'm excited to read the autosummary of the autosummary.
Oh I'll critique your comment.
DUDE, I didn't mean that you wouldn't HAVE characters! I meant that you wouldn't have CHARACTERIZATION.
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