Thursday, January 18, 2007

he's little... and sort of smelly... but he's mine!

i went out to the irish doctors' rather large house last night and i came home with a new friend. he's rather cute. i have him in my care for a week or two as a sort of aversion therapy. he's their children's pet mouse... Speedy... and he nests in a huge pile of (*shudder*) cotton balls.

(for those of you who are unaware, i have an aversion to cotton balls. some days i cant even say their name)

the irish doctors are going on a two week cruise so its just me and Speedy. They offered me their 2 dogs (and i think a cat) but i had to draw the line someplace.

yesterday, work started out well. when i arrived and was putting my food in the fridge, i found a present. someone had left me CHICKEN MCNUGGETS. they figured that if i was happy, everyone else would be better off. amen to that. placate me!

it didn't exactly go uphill from there though.
one of my patients' belly was about to burst so they rushed him out to another hospital. he came back later still bloated to high heaven.
i went to do an assessment on the LPN's maternity patient who was supposed to go home in an hour or so and that's when i had my first experience with post-partum hemorrhage. holy dang! apparently when a mat patient says "large clot", they mean a LARGE clot - it was as big as her baby's head! luckily the head nurse was in the next room with another mat patient who was having contractions so she helped me out (i did an awesome IV!!). But we could not get a hold of the midwife who had delivered the baby. Or the mat doctor on call (turns out she was having a romantic lunch with her husband). Or any of the other mat doctors in town. and we don't like that extra anxiety. and no one even had any calming chocolate for us.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE rodents! I'm so very jealous... You know, I now think of you whenever I see cotton balls.

Bursting bellies are pretty neat. So are clots, what an onomatopoeic word!

I'm going today to buy one knitting needle so I can sit in my old lady chair and knit tonight - what a party!!!

Anonymous said...

eww. i hate rodents. well. mice are okay. my littlest sister used to have one as a pet except then one day she tried to give it a bath and it drowned. but rats give me the serious creeps. to the extreme. just those long skinny tails. even my cat's tail sometimes grosses me out if it's creeping around places and looking rat-like.

i hope you are enjoying lots of pepsi in a glass with ice and a straw. and lots of chicken mcnuggets. that is a gooood combination.


Anonymous said...

i hate cotton balls too!!! they are the tactile equivalent of finger nails on a black board. i share your shudder.