Tuesday, May 22, 2007

from the mouth of a child

i've been spending a fair amount of time recently with a precocious 3 year-old named Emma. She is quite a force. Only most people dont know it because unless she's with me or her mom and dad, she's super super shy and quiet and wont play with others. But when i'm with her she drags me EVERYWHERE. and jumps on me til i fall over.
and she says the darndest things...

  • but i like tummyaches. i want a tummyache. please can i have a tummyache?
  • stop! i have a wedgie
  • these pants give me a lot of wedgies!
  • (said to her mom and myself as we were laughing in the car) you two, settle down!
  • mommy you look frustrated
  • when you die you go to heaven and get a new body with no more owies

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


things were rather dreary in this small town. bits of winter were lingering on. not the nice bits like freshly fallen snow. the ugly bits like mud and mud and ugly bare trees.

i laid low for awhile, hoping to catch Spring unawares but it was too sneaky for me. so i packed up the putt-putt wagon and headed to the Great Big City on the coast.
and there,
there i found spring.
i strolled along sidewalks with cherry blossom snow caressing my cheeks.

i hopped aboard a plane with Anastasia and went south to California for more sun. And lots of speed and bumps and rock 'n roll.
i learned about rollercoaster hangovers.
i learned that i'm seriously into adrenaline.
i learned that pinocchio and snow white are frightening.
i learned that i weigh 1600 tortillas.

The Great Big City on the coast was nice but i missed my little home in Small Town.
i packed up the putt-putt wagon and drove back home. and i found that i didn't need to leave to find Spring. Spring came to me. It was waiting for me at home! Ah, Spring.