Wednesday, December 20, 2006

all things chicken

work: work is still going. still a mess. i still haven't talked to the doctor who didn't want to work with me. i'm working all weekend with a nice nightshift on christmas eve. maybe we'll wrap up random items and play santa for our patients. Dr.chickenlegs has gone abroad for a month so we are OR-free (no c-sections!!!!) No c-sections means no first-time mommas and no possible complicated deliveries since if they go wrong, we cant help them. there's a momma out there with the craziest birth plan. it makes us laugh. we should respect patient wishes but honestly, which nurse has time to sing HYMNS to a woman in labour as all her other children gather round to watch the miracle of life?!?!?

home: my momma is arriving tomorrow. she's coming to visit for christmas. she's going to bring me chicken nuggets. (she just may not know it yet...)

socializing: i was supposed to sing in the united church's rendition of the hallelujah chorus but i chickened out. i was invited to a party with "young people" but i chickened out. though a few nights later i went out for dinner with the party people and then we hung out and played cards so i'm only a baby chick! last night i went curling with some ladies form the hospital and even stayed around after to have drinks. the server at the bar told us to help ourselves to a tray of luncheon meat. mmm free mystery meat. pass on that one.

love: my doctor prescribed monthly vitamin shots. i think this month i shall ask for a shot of confidence to go with it. my friends, i, JV, am a chicken. i was invited to visit someone. i want to go visit this person. but i'm a big chicken and have lame excuses like " i have to work/cant get time off/don't have the money/don't speak the language/am too old/too young " .

Thursday, December 07, 2006

incompetent? just trying to do my job (and yours too)

yesterday was, to speak euphemistically, a challenge.

i asked my boss if i could be the unit clerk since we didn't have one and she readily agreed. a little too readily. and then she also made me her designate in charge because she was going to be in meetings all day.


being in charge is not cool when your coworkers are patronizing towards you.
and the doctor doesn't want to work with you.
and then you are frustrated and left with the unknown mess of the 6 patients a coworker abandoned in your care when she supplanted you in an ambulance transfer. and then you're still doing all the order processing for the twenty patients and trying to figure out what needs to be done for the 6 patients now suddenly in your direct care (2 of whom are dying) and assist the LPN with her 6 patients because one of her dying patients is requiring care beyond her scope of practice and you're also dealing with finding beds for 3 more patients and continuously harassing a doctor for more orders for a new patient who is going downhill fast and who's current meds aren't doing anything to make her better and she's puking and the doctor makes you do a gag-inducing throat swab on her. and you just want to sit down and cry and eat your frozen dinner. and then one of your patients dies. and then you're filling out your overtime form and a coworker on the next shift's patient dies and has never dealt with a body before so you get to call the wife at home to tell her.

and when the doctor comes back from the transfer and asks you if you are upset (about being supplanted), you screw professionalism and you say YES!!!!!!!

and you wake up in the morning and wonder if that one bad day of patronizing, disrespectful colleagues is enough reason to get a new job.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

why there are never any oboes in marching bands

two weeks ago i called a large music supply company in vancouver to see about having them ship me an oboe lyre so i could play in the santa parade here. there is no such thing as an oboe lyre. interesting. i started to think about why they wouldn't have oboes in marching bands.

last night was the Santa Claus Parade. apparently it wasn't nearly as cold as it was last year. i had on 2 hats, a coat, a fleece vest, a fleece jacket, a sweater, a long-sleeve shirt, a t-shirt, tight socks, two pairs of long underwear, a pair of cords, and 2 pairs of socks. i may have looked a fool but i was at least warm. more or less. the only things that were cold were my bare fingers on the metal keys and my oboe itself. i think there are no oboes in marching bands because when it gets cold, oboes don't work. mine would only play one note the whole parade. I think it was a D but maybe it was an E flat. my friend said she could hear me. HA! I faked it the whole parade! (thankfully its not a very long parade). afterwards we played in an empty store. it took several songs for my oboe to warm up enough to actually play something. by the end of the mini concert i could play one whole octave. and to think i thought playing the flute would have been worse since its all metal....

my friend met me for chinese buffet after the concert. mmmm chinese buffet.
i went home pleasantly bloated and stripped off all my excess layers of clothes. i was deciding between bed and doing my pile of dishes when the phone ring. i found myself standing in the icy parking lot outside the video store with a group of youth. it reminded me of some people's high school experiences. it reminded me of the beginning of an after-school special.

sleepyhead JV ended up being out until 2am watching the new superman movie with strangers. but that's how friends begin - as strangers.