Thursday, August 31, 2006

sprinklings of summer

1) being pulled over by the police and having it broadcast on the local news
2) having a man nearly crash his bike as he checks me out while we pass crossing the street
3) finding the faerie place and learning about fireflies
4) getting married
5) living in a loft and feeling like a princess
6) having a button explode off my shorts as i run to a possible medical emergency
7) cherry ames!
8) singing and playing guitar for a group of peers
9) falling in love (with a tent!)
10) playing the Personal Space game
11) dancing on the beach in the early morning
12) awaking to the sound of a bear in the tree outside my tent
13) falafels around the campfire
14) morning coffee at the cottage
15) pretending to be in Baywatch
16) spontaneous jiving on concrete floors
17) combing out rat's nests
18) secret movie parties
19) secret exclusive swim parties
20) removing the broken-off end of a Q-tip from an ear
21) reading in the hammock by the lake
22) hug rounds!